Descarga tus videos favoritos de la web!
- Descargas ilimitadas
- Mira los videos descargados sin conexión a Internet.
- Reproduce videos en una lista de reproducción
- Búsqueda en tus videos
- Navegador web completamente integrado
- Marcado de sitios web favoritos
- Renombrar y eliminar archivos a tu disposición.
- Clasificar por nombre, tamaño, fecha, duración y tipo.
An extremely fast video player that can play camera roll, iTunes library, and cached videos all at once!
- Watch cached videos without internet connection.
- Has an versatile playlist manager that can bundle all your videos into one single playlist.
- Listen to all of your videos while the app is in the background!
- Repeat and shuffle your videos with ease.
- Includes an advanced video player that can play more formats than the standard player
- Protect your private video collections by creating folders.
- Supports airplay.