- 无限下载
- 支持离线播放
- 播放视频播放列表
- 搜索影片
- 功能强大的Web浏览器
- 把网站加入书签
- 重命名,删除文件。
- 可按名称,大小,日期,持续时间和类型排序。
Due to T.O.S, this app wont download videos from youtube.com, vimeo.com, vevo.com and other protected websites.
An extremely fast video player that can play camera roll, iTunes library, and cached videos all at once!
- Watch cached videos without internet connection.
- Has an versatile playlist manager that can bundle all your videos into one single playlist.
- Listen to all of your videos while the app is in the background!
- Repeat and shuffle your videos with ease.
- Includes an advanced video player that can play more formats than the standard player
- Protect your private video collections by creating folders.
- Supports airplay.
Due to T.O.S, this app wont download videos from youtube.com, vimeo.com, vevo.com and other protected websites.